North Quay - King Street - Christ Church

King Street from South Quay Christ Church Chandlers
King Street from South Quay with Chandlers store for marine supplies on the corner. In the centre is Christ Church and behind is the processed food factory know locally as "The Jam Factory" - see text below.

Jam Factory” large 4 storey building in foreground. Although called the Jam Factory and it did make jam, it also tinned fruit and veg. Those of a certain age remembering the pea shelling machine in an area of the tan yard will know that the peas from there were tinned in the factory as well. Mark Coulthard Facebook Maryport Through The Ages

Although called the Jam Factory and it did do jam, it also tinned fruit and veg. Those of a certain age remembering the pea shelling machine in an area of the tan yard will know that the peas from there were tinned in the factory as well.” Mark Coulthard

Mark Coulthard “They made Marian strawberries…used to get odd can or two off the women…and cardboard for the brow slide” Cora Teasdale
“Oh I remember the card board slides on the brows; great fun in summer better than sledging in winter.” Mark C

Wasn’t there a pop factory there years ago?” Liz Laybourne

you’re perhaps thinking Underwood’s which was on Nelson Street. I recall seeing the old horse & carts being loaded ready for deliveries. Also I recall the old tram lines along King Street & there was a shop (a co-op I think) on the corner of King Street & Nelson Street too (the white building opposite the church). How times have changed!” Kristina Cuthbert
King Street from South Quay Christ Church chandlers changed rear building missing
King Street from South Quay Christ Church chandlers changed rear building missing
Maryport harbour from pier looking to town and lighthouse
Maryport harbour from pier looking to town and lighthouse