People Ships Industry
Miss Annie Robinson, M.B.E., J.P.
May I accord my most grateful and appreciative thanks to the following who have assisted me in the compiling of “Memories of Maryport’s Maritime History.”
English Estates North for their sponsorship. Mr Jeffrey Nixon – Maryport. Mr Raymond Phillips, Chapel Brow. Mr Eric Martin, Maryport. Firpress Limited, Printers, Workington.
The words of J.S.P. Agg Large “The charm of Maryport’s seafaring history is indestructible” ring as true today as 200 years ago when its Maritime History was born by a few fishermen living in rude huts and fishing in the Solway Firth little knowing that they were to become the founders of what one day would be a thriving port and known throughout the world. To write a complete history of its Maritime Heritage would take many years in research and fill many volumes to complete and we trust that the contents of this booklet will tell its readers many interesting facets which are part of its great history. Much of the information has been discovered by Mr Raymond Phillips, a retired draftsman from Gloucester and now living at Chapel Brow who has devoted most of his time searching into Maryport’s Maritime History – a subject with which he is fascinated. His many visits to my home to discuss his findings have been most profitable and proved a great help in compiling this production.
There is no doubt that the most prolific years in Maryport’s Maritime History can be written between the late 1700s, throughout the 1800s and the very early part of the 1900s. The following incidents tell part of the story of those great days.
1779 – The ‘Shamar’ (Captain Harris) and another vessel both of Maryport were taken by the ‘Dunkervonife’ (Captain Morel) near Naise of Norway and ransomed for 400 guineas, the other vessel for 1,100 guineas. The ‘Dunkervonife’ mounted twenty guns and in company with another eighteen gun privateer took a number of English vessels.
1781 – The ‘Kirkham’ (Captain Bone) of Maryport was taken by thirty guns French frigate off Waterford. Ransomed for 400 guineas.
1781 – ‘Christian’ (Captain Harris) of Maryport was taken by ‘Victory’ (Captain Delly) of Dunkirk 18 miles north of Lands End and ransomed for 1,200 guineas.
The ‘Felicity’ of Maryport was captured some time before, and the ‘James and Hannah’ (Captain Gardener) was taken by the notorious pirate Kelly.
‘Ann’ (Captain Borriskell) of Maryport was taken by French Hibernian privateer near Youghel and ransomed for 600 guineas.
It is supposed that ‘Draper’ (Captain Carter) was taken by the same privateer and carried to French port.
1781 – ‘Mary’ launched from Woods Yard for Captain Barnes. Pierced for 18 guns. 1780 – ‘Tyne’ (Captain Potts) of Maryport missing from West Indies, now reported at Kinsale after losing masts and bowsprit in October on banks of Newfoundland.
1782 – ‘Tyne’ (Captain Potts of Maryport) on shore of Golway, feared vessel will be lost.
1783 – Sale by auction of ‘Industry’ – built 1780 by Woods for Captain John Steele.
1783 – ‘Robinson’ launched from Woods for John Atkinson of Workington.
1775 – To be sold at the house of Mr Abraham Mason, the sign of the George & Dragon, Maryport on the 10th of March – the good Brigatine ‘Lively’ Joseph Peat – master Burthen 160 tons – built at Maryport 4 years ago. A remarkable fast sailer. Purchaser to pay 30 guineas in hand and remainder in equal payments of 3 & 6 months.
1775 – Now loading at Lancaster for Maryport, Workington and Whitehaven – the good Sloop ‘Friends Adventure’ of Maryport John Barnes – master will be ready to sail in 14 days.
1785 – ‘John & Bella”. Launched at Maryport. ‘Jeremiah’ launched from Woods for B. Wise.
1786 – ‘Isabella’. Launched from Woods for Captain A. Harris. ‘Senhouse Moor’ launched from Woods for F. Mackenzie. ‘Delight’ from Peats for J. Fawcett.
1786 – Just imported on the ‘Langton’ to Maryport under Captain Thomas Fawcett a cargo of fir timber and plank from Memel. Now selling at lowest prices – apply John Fawcett.
1787 – ‘The Letty’ from Woods Yard. New brig for sale at Barns, Potts & Co. Yard, to be launched on April 13th 87. ‘The Bridekirk’ (Captain R. Watson) of Maryport lost near Donaghadee, Ireland – all perished.
1788 – ‘Blessing’ of Maryport (Captain Chambers) lost off Irish coast, crew of eleven in boat for 26 hours before being rescued by ‘Fame’ (Captain Matthews) who reported the incident at Waterford.
1778 – We hear from Maryport that a subscription is being set on foot for the defence of that port and adjoining coast. John Christian of Unerigg opened it with 20 guineas and his donation was followed in a suitable manner by gentlemen and traders of the town, a company of gentlemen volunteers are also raising. They number at present between 60 and 70 and have already made a considerable proficiency in the manual exercises etc.
From 1789-1800 – A large number of ships were sold from private homes, The Globe, Wood’s Shipyard, Golden Lion Inn, W. McKenzie’s Inn, J. Fawcett’s Yard and H. Currey’s Yard.
A number of ships sold during this period were – Brig ‘Joshua’, Brig ‘The Lady Grace Douglas’, Brig ‘William & John’, Brig ‘Good Intent’, Brig ‘Dolphin’, Brig ‘Belfast’, Sloop ‘John son’, Brig ‘Skelton’, Brig ‘Fly’, Brig ‘Rose’, Brig ‘William’, Brig ‘James & Hannah’, Brig ‘Hannah’, Brig ‘Betsy’, Brig ‘Mally’, Brig ‘Industry’ and Brig ‘Peggy’.
1784 – Whitehaven Customs Collector seized 20 herring boats at Maryport. Mr Humphrey Senhouse sent protest to Sir Wm. Musgrave of London Customs and this led to release of a number of boats except those suspected of illicit practice.
1783 – Fishing boat from Maryport caught on one tide more than 66 maze of herring. The success in that port and at Allonby was never known so great in memory of the oldest person living.
1783 – The Herring Fishery at Maryport still continues to be very brisk. Herring being sold at 10 for one penny.
Dates to Remember
1740 – Only one house at Ellenfoot, a farmstead now the ‘Golden Lion’.
1750 – Second house built.
1756 – Present name by Act of Parliament.
1774 – Shipping commenced, and a series of pens were built each side of the river for loading vessels, about 70 belonged to the port.
1791 – About 90 vessels were Coal traders. Woods – Shipbuilders employed 200 men in various departments and built since.
1830 – About 50 vessels.
1838 – No ships registered at Maryport.
1842 – For custom purposes Maryport was separated from Whitehaven.
1846 – The cast iron lighthouse was erected.
1857 – Opening of The Elizabeth Dock.
1858 – 117 vessels registered.
1858 – Great flood washed away timbers of pier.
1884 – Senhouse Dock opened. Towards the end of the seventies Maryport was beginning to thrive and through the years its maritime life boomed, ships were built and through trade with countries abroad the little port became so well known that even today its name is remembered with pride throughout the world. To tell the full story of its great seafaring history would be a tremendous task so readers must be content to travel down memory lane and enjoy the tales of a bye-gone age.
From Maryport to Quebec direct will sail on or about June 11th 1836, the fast sailer ‘Lady Gordon’ 600T with T. Scurr in command. He is skilled in navigating the St. Lawrence River. An opportunity for those desired of emigrating to British America. Apply to T. Scurr (Commander) or Kelsick Wood & Son, Maryport.
Sale at Lloyds Rooms, London on 7 May 16th 1843. The fine Cumberland built brig – ‘Dykes’ of Maryport 226T, lying in Regents Canal basin at London – John Harrison – master. Adapted for North American or coast trade.
APRIL 12th 1861
At a meeting of the Royal Lifeboat Institute on Thursday at London a reward of £6, in addition to £10 received locally was voted to six men for putting off in a boat and rescuing at great risk of life four of the five men crew of Brig ‘Sir Allan McNab’ of Maryport wrecked in a terrific gale near Courtran coast of Wexford. It was a three mile struggle to save the crew but one died on reaching land.
On Thursday June 18th 1840 at Maryport died at the great age of 94 years, Mr John Peat, a shipbuilder much esteemed. Mr Peat was the eldest resident in that place, in short he was as old as the place itself, in as much as he distinctly recollected since it consisted of two or three houses, yet lived to see it rise into importance and to sustain a population of several thousands.
Captain John Johnstone died at Maryport on September 30th 1908, aged 71 years. He was Commodore of Holme Line Steamers and began his sea life in 1850 on board ‘Port of Maryport’, a schooner built in Woods Yard. He joined the ‘Great Jam’ in 1856 launched from Ritsons Yard, the biggest wooden vessel launched in Maryport. He joined the ‘Martha Grace’ schooner in 1859, and was in the galley of the ‘Staffordshire’ in 1862 and was master on the ‘Euphemia’ in 1867 a vessel which belonged to the late J. Dobie of Maryport. In 1872 he joined Hine Bros. of Maryport and commanded the Barque ‘Glenfallock’ and in 1876 was Captain on the ‘Briar Holme’ and later the ‘Loughrigg Holme’ and the ‘Isel Holme’.
MARCH 21st 1797
A new ship ‘Postlethwaite’ was launched from Woods Yard, Maryport and was the property of Kelsick Wood. It was pierced for 20 guns and was said by most competent judges to be the handsomest vessel ever built in Cumberland. A ball was given on the occasion by Humphrey Senhouse of Netherhall to ladies and gentlemen of Maryport and also attended by members’of the first rank in the neighbourhood. The evening was spent in greatest convivial.
FEBRUARY 1st 1902
Having obtained the sanction of Chancery Court, Maryport Harbour Commissioners are arranging to payoff £9,000 in Class I of their harbour mortgages out of Sinking Fund. Bonds to be discharged will be selected by ballot on March 1st 1902.
MARCH 8th 1902
Decline in Shipping Values
The steamer ‘Rydal Holme’ was sold to Bailey and Leatham of Hull. The vessel was purchased 12 months ago from Hine Bros. of Maryport by a Newcastle man who paid £20,000 for her. Now sold for £13,700 including survey costs, and now another firm is negotiating for £12,000.
DECEMBER 16th 1870
The story of the ‘Van Diemen’ commanded by Captain H. Robinson of Maryport and the epic voyage in gales and hurricanes from Newcastle (N.S. Wales) to San Francisco was acknowledged by mariners to be of one of the most skilful specimens of seamanship on record in bringing the ship to port under those conditions.
NOVEMBER 11th 1870
The Brig ‘Thetis’ – 248T of Maryport was wrecked on Reef at Bic Island when Captain John Redick of Liverpool, a boy named William Palmer and one other man were drowned. Six crew members were saved and put on a ship for Quebec, while the Captain’s body was recovered with some papers and taken to Rimouski for the inquest.
OCTOBER 21st 1822
The ‘Gemini’ (captain Walker) was struck by tremendous seas, dismasted and boats swept off deck, 200 miles off Irish Coast, five of the crew were washed overboard and included the Captain’s brother and the mate Samuel Shaw all of Maryport. The vessel was driven ashore at Westport, Ireland.
MAY 10th 1836
Advert with Details The Workington and Maryport Steam Navigation Co’s fast sailing Packet the ‘Union’ (Captain Sampson Mills) will sail between Workington, Maryport, and Liverpool on dates stated in May. Cabin Fare to and from Liverpool – 12 shillings. Deck Fare to and from Liverpool – 5 shillings. Signed – Douglas Thomson – Liverpool Agent; Tiffin Bell – Workington Agent; Robert Ritson – Maryport Agent.
JANUARY 25th 1879
Captain Dixon of the ‘Lydia’ owned by Mr Melmore of Maryport was called a man of courage when his leg was nearly severed and finally cut off by the ship’s carpenter.
NOVEMBER 6th 1838
A new Barque 325T was named ‘Blair’ and launched from the Huddleston and Ritson Yard. She was named after one of the Covenanters who figured prominently in the reign of Charles 11. The vessel was built for Captain Newby for the West India trade, and she had a Figure Head and Taffrail by J. Brooker. The Band was in attendance, and a dinner was arranged at the Golden Lion Inn for Captain Newby and friends.
JANUARY 22nd 1811
The ‘Orlon’ of Maryport (Captain Sim) homeward bound from North America was met in the Bay of Biscay by a frigate. The vessel was water logged, and shocking to relate only the Captain was on board, the rest of the crew perished through fatigue and hunger.
OCTOBER 28th 1868
The Schooner ‘Emily’ (Captain Tweedie) of Maryport struck Taylor Reefs – Lambay Island on October 5th. The ship was reported sinking, but the crew saved, but later the abandoned ship was picked up by the ‘Victory’ (tug) and towed into Maryport Harbour.
MAY 14th 1846
A beautifully modelled Schooner of 107T was launched from Woods Yard. Built for Captain John Glaister for trading between Maryport and Liverpool, she possesses fast sailing and good stowing qualities, and a very light draught of water. She is called after her Commander who has traded for the last 30 years between places mentioned. He secured respect of and good feeling of everyone in the trade.
The vessel was launched by apprentices on a fine day and witnessed by host numbers. She was christened in good style by Joseph Martin of Cockermouth, one of the owners. It is remarkable that during building of the vessel amidst the din and noise of hammering etc., a red breast built her nest in a timber head in Fells open patent binding and is sitting on four eggs. A lucky omen it is hoped as the vessel was literally launched with a cargo of eggs.
The large Schooner the 119 ton ‘Mary Sproat’ of Dublin (John Feeney – master) sailing from Charlestown to Runcorn with China clay dragged ashore at Treyapnon Bay on 7th December 1890. Apart from a manx sailor who refused to jump overboard, her crew swam to the beach leaving ‘Mary Sproat‘ launched at Maryport 1853, fast breaking up in the North Westerly gale.
JULY 9th 1891
A service was held on the deck of the ‘Forest Holme’ (Captain Johnstone) at Maryport, held by Mr Light, the Mission Flag ‘Flying Angel’ flew at the mast head and the Seaman’s Institute choir under Mr McKenzie took part. It was attended by many seamen and towns’ people.
On January 5th 1894 the ‘Forest Holme’ arrived at New York with two boats smashed and all moveable things on deck washed overboard.
‘The Auchencairn’ built by Ritsons was sold to the Germans and renamed ‘Nomia’. When under Captain Nelson of Maryport she made several fast crossings.
1893 – U.K. to San Francisco – 110 days.
1894 – U.K. t9 Portland – Oregan – 108 days.
1894 & 5 – Asoria to Queenstown – 110 days.
1895 – Fleetwood to Portland.
On July 10th 1912, she left Newcastle N.S.W. for Antofagusta and posted missing December 18th 1912.
DECEMBER 3rd 1861
Captain Joseph Millican age 58 years of Maryport died on voyage from New Orleans to Norfolk Virginia. He was formerly in the service of Hine Bros. and his last command in that employ was the S.S. Greta Holme. During the Boer War the steamer was engaged in conveying mules from Argentina to South Africa.
APRIL 19th 1900 Three lads from Maryport who stowed away on Hine’s ‘Greta Holme’ were landed and put in-gaol at New Orleans until the ship returned.
FEBRUARY 3rd 1938
Captain Arnold Crone of Maryport and master of ‘Dover Abbey’ killed when ship was bombed at Valencia in Spanish Civil War.
Surely a strange place in which to find a wealth of information regarding Maryport’s seafaring life is a cemetery, but to browse amongst the old headstones many of which are so weather beaten and crumbled that they refuse to give up their secrets will reveal the occupation of those long gone whose lives were spent before the mast, only by the carved anchors, ships chains and ropes thereon.
Men who valiantly battled against the bitter winds and the tides, who fought their way through tortuous channels, who knew tempest and storm, men who were born to hear the gulls shrill cry, and to breathe the salt sea air, who kept the true course and whose monuments stand with dignity each with a tale to tell of those who sailed proudly through the darkness and into the light.
“They that go down to the sea in ships and occupy their business in great waters, these men see the works of the Lord and His wonders in the deep.”
Each headstone has a great story to tell and the following inscriptions are a few from 110 to be found in the Maryport cemetery and churchyards.
Names of Crew – Captain T. Messenger, 1st Mate R. Richmond, Boatswain A. Thompson, Carpenter J. Short, Steward J.T. Armstrong, Cook L.S. Jams, A.B.O.W. Swan, A.B.F.N. Davis, A.B.T. Ross, A.B.S. Gordon, A.B.J. Colligam, A.B.J. Uray, A.B. Adamamling, A.B. E. Scott. Apprentices – A. Burnett, R.F. Light (who was the son of the Pastor Light in charge of the Seamens’ Mission at Maryport, and was on his first voyage).
‘Safe at anchor, now they rest, with many of their fleet But once again they will set sail, their Saviour Christ to meet’.
This memorial on a large brass tablet hung in the Mission for many years and on the closing of the Mission it was’ placed in the Seamen’s’ Bethel at Workington and upon its closure the tablet was taken to London where it remained for many years until upon the opening of the Maritime Museum, Mr Michael Robertson and Miss A. Robinson appealed to the London Authority to restore it to Maryport, an appeal which was answered and it is now safely home in the Maritime Museum.
‘What though the storm with cruel power The two fold chord has riven Your friends shall know you when they see Your glorious smile in heaven Row brothers row, the stream runs fast, The rapids are near and the daylight past.’
‘To the Glory of God and in memory of the following officers and men of the Bargue ‘Briar Holme’ of Maryport which was lost near Port Darwin, Tasmania on November 5th 1904.’
This tablet is erected by the boarders of The Sailors’ Home. John H. Rich, master; Robert Disney, mate; Ernest James Millett, 2nd mate. Crew – John Pollard, Victor Anderson, W. Miller, A. Rydberg, Philip Kanivet, Alexander O. Goull, William Dobie, M. Friesen, George Tarbet. Apprentices – Edward Saddler, Philip Dulliag, Ernest Cyril Baker, Richard A.C. Saunders, William R. Arnold, James A.S. Nowell.
‘Until the day break’.
The ‘Briar Holme’ with Captain J.H. Rich of Maryport in Command was on a voyage from London to Hobart, Tasmania and was to retire on its return to London to his home at Maryport overlooking his beloved Solway Firth.
……………..end of section ……..
One of the most common sights in Maryport was that of the beautiful shire horses pulling the heavily laden casks of beer on large drays down Shipping Brow for distribution to the many inns along the quays.
Maryport had its full complement of inns where the sailors, workers from the shipbuilding yards and the many industries in the area met to relate the local dangers of a south west gale in the Solway, of Robin Rigg which claimed so many victims and the North Bank and its stranded ships, and no doubt many blood curdling yarns were told of adventures on the seven seas.
Many of the inns had names applicable to a sea faring community such as The Lifeboat; Solway; Senhouse Arms; Royal Oak; Hope and Anchor (3); Ship (6); Crown and Anchor; Sailors Return; Fishing Smack; Britannia; Rigger’s Arms; Sloop; Crown (2); Globe (2); King’s Arms; Queen’s Head (now the venue for the Maritime Museum); Star and Sun (4).
‘The wind that blows,
The ship that goes,
And the lass that loves a sailor’.
From Psalm 107 in dedication of Maryport men and ships
They that go down to the sea in ships and occupy their business in great waters.
These men see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.
For at His word the stormy wind ariseth, which Iifteth up the waves thereof.
They are carried up to the heaven, and down again to the deep, their soul melteth away because of the trouble.
They reel to and fro and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits end.
So when they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, He delivereth them out of their distress.
For He maketh the storm to cease so that the waves there are still.
Then they are glad, because they are at rest, and so He bringeth them unto the haven where they would be
With every rise and ebb of tide And every angry storm,
A thousand seas have surged inside Her broken, rusting form.
Defiant both to time and sea Her sunken stanchions stand;
Her broken ribs and toppled masts Protruding from the sand.
Torment by each tempest wild, A plaything for the wind.
What sealed the fate of this iron hulk As though a ship had sinned?
Many tides have ebbed and flowed Since she broke upon the beach;
A hundred storms have lashed the shore Since the first fatal breach.
Battered and scarred by seething seas, Sore wrenched by every gale;
Standing stark through the passing years, The wreck of the Iredale.
The Barque ‘Midas’ built by Ritson’s in 1896 and lost in 1898.
Sailing coasters entering and leaving Maryport. Maryport Pier – circa 1866. Showing Rev. Daniel Kirkbride, the Baptist Minister. 4
A busy scene of Maryport.
Maryport Senhouse Dock, Maryport.
The scene of Maryport’s early coal exporting days when as many as a hundred coal boats were waiting to enter the harbour for re-loading. 6
The launching of the ‘Lycidas’ in 1902 (Ritson built). 10
‘Eden Holme’ (Barque) (Hine Bros., Maryport). 12
13 An iron ship built by Ritson’s in 1886. 1448.tons. Left Maryport June 21st 1906. Lost with all hands on July 13th 1906. ‘ .
Ship ashore at Maryport 14
Maryport Harbour in the early 1900’s. Officers of “The Forest Holme” one of the Hine Line ships of Maryport. 18
Showing the old bridge and a ship on the stocks (The Southerfield) 19